Educational Visit of Indonesian Language Education Study Program Students to Media Companies

On Tuesday (04/07/23) Students from the Indonesian Language Education Study Program at PGRI Palembang University held an educational visit to a media company, namely Surya Citra Media (SCM), which houses SCTV Television and Indosiar. This visit was an implementation of the Press and Journalism Skills course. So far, students have received various theories from the courses they have taken. This is one of the students’ goals for conducting educational visits. Not just theory, but practice courses carried out by students. There were 34 students and 4 lecturers who guided the students on this academic visit, namely Dr. Ahmad Wahidy, M.Pd, Dr. Darwin Efendi, M.Pd, Muhammad Nasir M.Pd, and Masnunah, M.Pd. This visit was welcomed and received directly by the Head of Protocol and Corporate Affairs SCM, Irnawati W. Kaharaja at Lifestyle Room It. 19 SCTV Tower.

SCTV as a media overcomes media developments by building a new ecosystem. So, not only does it operate in the television sector, but it also operates in the content and digital media sector. Apart from that, the SCM group accepts internship students. Meanwhile, recruitment opens up opportunities for graduate students from various fields of science, said Irna. Apart from that, FKIP Universitas PGRI Palembang from the head of the Indonesian language education study program, Dr. Ahmad Wahidy was very grateful for the visit and proud to receive a warm welcome and gain useful knowledge for students in the future. Apart from becoming an Indonesian language education teacher, students are also provided with knowledge and insight into electrical journals.

After providing a complete explanation from Irmawati, students were given the opportunity to visit and see live coverage of 6pm as one of their favorite news programs, presented by Riko Budget. Not only theory, all students were also taught how to create a title for news that is interesting to the public, this visit really helped us as students in the future, in studying press and journalism. “We as students are proud to be able to visit and visit television from a large media company in Jakarta called SCM.

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