Semarak Bulan Bahasa VII 2022, Sanggar Bastra , FKIP, PGRI University of Palembang


The Language and Literature Studio (Bastra) of the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program FKIP Universitas PGRI Palembang is holding a Vibrant Language Month VII 2022 with various activities. The opening event took place in the Aidil Fitri Syah Room, 5th Floor, UPGRIP Business and Science Center Building, Monday (24/10/2022). The Chancellor of UPGRI Palembang, Dr. “UPGRIP appreciates the implementation of the Vibrant Language Month VII activities,” said Bukman. According to him, UPGRI Palembang positively welcomed activities like this. The state mandates that every October is a language month that must be commemorated and celebrated by the Indonesian people both at home and abroad. “We are grateful that FKIP UPGRIP Language Study Program has implemented a lively Language Month. It has even spread to Bangka Belitung Province. In the future, I ask that it be expanded further so that the vibrancy of Language Month can be heard echoing from UPGRIP. In fact, I hope that the scope of activities will be wider with various activities. Apart from that, participants were also expanded to a national scale. “If the Center holds activities, FKIP UPGRIP will also take part in national scale activities,” he added. The Chancellor even asked the FKIP UPGRIP Language Ambassadors per class to be included in activities, especially at the peak of this year’s Language Month event. “There is a separate story in the history of those who have the status of Language Ambassadors. So it will be a memory for our children and grandchildren that they have been active as Language Ambassadors at FKIP UPGRIP where they studied. “I am proud that UPGRIP has held the Language Month event for the 7th year. This is a form of our participation and love for the state language,” said Bukman while suggesting that activities such as bazaars involve students both from the Language Study Program and FKIP as well as from other faculties such as the UPGRIP Economics and Business as an opportunity to train the entrepreneurial spirit.

Apart from that, he also hopes that students can take advantage of capable IT facilities, namely digital corridors that can be used by the entire academic community. In the same place, the Dean of FKIP UPGRI Palembang Assoc, Prof Dr Dessy Wardiah., M.Pd, CIQaR said that the Vibrant Language Month is a routine agenda every year in October. He admitted that the university’s full support for this activity was not only from student support but in terms of providing infrastructure and facilities. “Support for Language Month activities is given in full. We support routine university activities in the framework of Language Month. “We are also facilitating the search for locations for each city district in South Sumatra to be the venue for this VII Language Month activities,” he said, adding that this year in accordance with the suggestion from the UPGRIP Chancellor that the Semarak Language Month will expand its activities and scope of participants. “We will bring in speakers from Semarang State University. This is a form of loving language. God willing, next year we will arrange a more lively activity agenda. “We are realizing the Chancellor’s wish so that the scope of participants for the Language Month held by FKIP UPGRI Palembang is expanded, namely not only in Bangka Belitung but also to the provinces of Jambi, Lampung and Bengkulu (Sumbangsel),” he said. Chief Executive of the 7th Semarak Language Month 2022, Juaida Agustina, M.Pd reported that the VII Semarak Language Month was held with various activities such as poetry reading competitions, short story writing competitions, speech and anchor competitions, as well as the selection of Language and Literature Ambassadors (Bastra). ). “This is our routine activity every year. “There are various competitions such as poetry reading competitions, short story writing competitions, speech competitions, anchor competitions and the selection of literary ambassadors,” said Juaida. According to him, there are three places that host off-campus activities (roadshows), namely at Ujan Emas Muaraenim State High School. “Invitations from outside. Ujan Emas Muaraenim State High School roadshow activities for Selection of Bastra Friends, there are short story and poetry writing competitions at middle school, high school and student levels.

We also went to SMA Negeri 2 Kayuagung and to SMK Negeri 1 Mentok, West Bangka to carry out the selection of Bastra Friends. Apart from that, poetry and short story reading competitions were also held. The goal is to be able to use Indonesian well and correctly. Specifically for the selection of Bastra Ambassadors, they are expected to become icons by becoming ambassadors. The selection of Bastra Ambassadors is through the Bastra Studio with 35 bastra ambassadors who will compete. “Candidates, if there are activities on campus, will be involved,” said Juaida at the opening of the VII Language Month Celebration.

Semarak Bulan Bahasa ke VIII Tahun 2023 FKIP Universitas PGRI Palembang

Palembang, FKIP

Guna meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam mempersiapkan generasi masa depan yang unggul, berdaya saing dan berkarakter khususnya calon pendidik guru pendidikan bahasa Indonesia, Universitas PGRI Palembang (UPGRIP) menggelar semarak Bulan Bahasa VIII Tahun 2023. Kegiatan ini dibuka langsung oleh Rektor Universitas PGRI Palembang Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Si., CIQaR Aula Aidil Fitri Syah, Gedung Business and Science Center, Senin (2/10/2023). Turut hadir Wakil Rektor II Dr. Yasir Arafat, S.E., M.M., CIQaR., Kepala BPAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Misdalina, M.Pd., Dekan FKIP Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dessy Wardiah, M.Pd., CIQaR., Dekan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Edduar hendri, S.E., M.M., Dekan Perikanan dan Kelautan Indah Anggaini Yusanti, M.Si., Dekan Sains dan Lingkungan Dewi Novianti, S.Si., M.Kes atau yang mewakili, para Ketua Program Studi, Dosen di lingkungan FKIP UPGRIP, Peserta dan tamu undangan lainnya.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Rektor Universitas PGRI Palembang Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Si mengatakan melalui kegiatan Semarak Bulan Bahasa mahasiswa program studi pendidikan bahasa Indonesia diharapkan tidak hanya memiliki kompetensi sebagai seorang pendidik. Namun juga, memiliki bekal dan pengalaman tambahan dalam pengembangan karir melalui kegiatan-kegiatan lain di luar akademik yang membantu membentuk karakter yang Unggul, berdaya saing dan tentu saja memiliki karakter yang baik sesuai dengan cerminan nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Kebhinekaan.

“Hal ini selaras dengan komitmen UPGRIP dalam rangka menciptakan lulusan yang berkualitas melalui motto UPGRIP Kampus Melaju Dengan Mutu,” ujarnya. Sementara itu dikatakan Dekan FKIP Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dessy Wardiah, M.Pd., CIQaR mengatakan kegiatan Semarak Bulan Bahasa VIII juga dibarengi dengan Gelar Karya Program PPG Prajabatan Gelombang II Tahun 2022 dengan Mengusung Tema “Menumbuhkan Kreativitas Generasi Milenial yang Unggul Berkarakter Dan Berdaya Saing Melalui Bulan Bahasa” 2 s.d. 31 Oktober 2023. Kegiatan Semarak Bulan Bahasa juga melibatkan seluruh Program studi di Lingkungan FKIP Universitas PGRI Palembang dengan berbagai mata rantai kegiatan baik akademik maupun non akademik. “Kegiatan akademik yakni pelaksanaan kegiatan Seminar Nasional Pendidikan, dan kegiatan non akademik yakni berbagai kegiatan perlombaan dan pertandingan seperti; Lomba Futsal tingkat SMA/SMK, lomba olimpiade matematik, solo vocal, Lomba poster tema lingkungan, olimpiade statistika dan lain-lainnya yang diselenggarakan dalam rangka kegiatan Semarak Bulan Bahasa VIII tahun 2023,” pungkasnya.