Academic Visit to Tribun Jogja By Students of The Indonesian Language Education Study Program, PGRI University of Palembang

On Wednesday (05/07/2023) Students from the Indonesian Language Education Study Program at PGRI Palembang University made an academic visit to a media company, namely Tribun Jogja, where this media company has print media and digital media. This company is located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There were 34 students and 4 lecturers who guided the students on this academic visit, namely Mr. Dr. Achmad Wahidy, M.Pd., Mr. Dr. Darwin Effendi, M.Pd., Mr. Muhammad Nasir M.Pd., and Mrs. Masnunah, M.Pd. This visit was warmly welcomed and received by the Chief Editor of Tribun Jogja, Ribut Rahardjo.

This visit is a form of practice for the Press and Journalism skills courses taught by Class 6A Indonesian Language Education Study Program students, so this practical field work (PKL) activity is very necessary, apart from adding insight, this activity makes students experience firsthand how things work. and the journalistic atmosphere at Tribun Jogja. The students were given training by Mr. Kris who is the editor at Tribun Jogja. This training was carried out in the Outdoor Room at Tribun Jogja, this was done to reduce the stress that comes when discussing journalistic issues. This outdoor design is as simple and comfortable as possible, with several chairs and tables and shady trees making the training atmosphere feel very comfortable. This outdoor area is also used by several journalists as a place to complete their assignments.

There were so many theories that Mr. Kris gave to students, such as how journalism works at Tribun Jogja, to the right strategy to attract people to continue reading the news. Students were informed about the two main divisions in Tribun Jogja. The first is the print (newspaper) division and the second is the digital division. There are differences between these two divisions, the newspaper division will do a listing every morning, there are journalists, there are editors. In the afternoon the editor directs that the story selected for printing is a more detailed story (chronology) or behind the story of the story. Because the print media period is 24 hours. In the afternoon, the news that is created must be finished and then sent to be printed, before that the news will be sorted first which ones are interesting to publish. Until that evening the selected news was made into a soft copy and printed into a newspaper. Meanwhile, the digital division must produce at least 3 news stories a day with 5H+1H, the digital media time period is 10 minutes, beyond that the news will become stale and no longer hot, that’s why in the digital division, a journalist must be able to become an editor and others for their own news.

Students are also taught to make news that is interesting, not important, that is, important news must be given an attractive title, for example an airplane tragedy where the passengers at the time said Astaghfirullah, so we can make a title using the word ‘Astaghfirullah’ so that This creates curiosity and makes people interested in reading it. The use of several words that do not comply with the KBBI is also needed to make news more interesting, such as the word ‘nutuk’ which is a very viral word in Yogyakarta, so we can use this word to make a news title, for example the parking attendant charges a very high price.

There is also a related theory, news must not only be read by humans, but also by machines (Google). So we have to create interesting news titles as much as possible and of course not contain keywords. For example, if someone wants to look for tourist attractions in Yogyakarta, then we can use the title ‘These are the Recommended Tourist Attractions in Yogyakarta that are Visited by Many Tourists This Year.’ The tourist attractions we want to search for can be read by machines (Google). Not only theory, all students are also invited to create news headlines that will appeal to the public. This visit really helped us students in learning Press and Journalism Skills. Previously, on Tuesday (04/07/2023) we made an academic visit at SCTV Tower located in Senayan City, Jakarta and tomorrow on Thursday (06/07/2023) we will make our final academic visit at Promedia Teknologi, Bandung.

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